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Cravity Comeback Full Of Adrenaline

Cravity make their comeback with the second part of their full album LIBERTY : IN OUR COSMOS and title song Adrenaline

After being postponed in February due to the entire group getting infected with Covid, Cravity or as I like to lovingly call them Cavity are finally back. I am not gonna lie, this song could have kind of saved the month of February which was absolutely dry but now they are here in March amongst so many other comebacks but also kind of still hitting the spot?! May I also mention that this is the first review Una and I are writing sitting right next to each other again because we are hanging for the next to two weeks so get ready. But without further ado let’s get to reviewing.

Adrenaline already had me excited from its teasers, the boys sounded more melodic than ever and also looked pretty good (they are growing up well). Well, it all rang pretty true. I am not gonna lie I still don’t know who Cravity is music wise, they are still in that awkward finding themselves phase and Adrenaline is a new attempt and it is a great one but who is Cravity?! What’s their sound? Maybe Adrenaline is the Cravity that’s gonna be here to stay. I support. I won’t lie smaller boy groups are on to something here this year, delivering bops left and right and Adrenaline fits right in. The chorus is fantastic and I actually like the rap sections after a couple of listens and it all flows very nicely. I really love the intro which sets the mood to the song immediately. Woobin also kinda is eating up those high notes just saying.

Overall, Adrenaline is by far the best song on the mini album, the second half of the album gets better but nothing hits as much as Adrenaline. Off to listen to that bop.

P.S: Una lets me tell you that she needs certain 2003 liners to calm down and the song is making her hips shake. Period. Bye.

Header Image Source: Starship Entertainment

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